How to get a doctorate – and more – Distance Learning
A personal and private guide for both students and supervisors
Dr Ursula Schinzel
Passed Events:
Frankfurter Buchmesse 13 October 2013
Frieling Verlag presented my book “How to get a Doctorate – and more – Distance Learning” at their stand Hall 4.1 D 97 at this year’s Frankfurter Buchmesse.
Please click on the link of Frieling Verlag:
or the link of the Frankfurter Buchmesse:
What? Salon du Livre, Festival des migrations, des cultures et de la citoyenneté
Where? Foire LuxExpo, Stand PASSAPAROLA
with Maria Grazia Galati, Paola Cairo
When? 16.-17. March 2013 from 11h00 – 18h00
Leipziger Buchmesse 16-17 March 2013
My book “How to get a Doctorate – and More – Distance Learning” was presented at the Leipziger Buchmesse by Frieling Verlag.
What? Invitation to my BOOK PRESENTATION
When? Friday, 5 April 2013 from 18h00 – 20h30
Where? Tiebreak Café, 45 Av JF Kennedy, Luxembg, Utopolis 42.71.15
Please register with me at or 621.322.543 or in person
Embedded in my thesis, this book is a guide for both students and their supervisors with the objective to help in the interesting, but difficult and long way of obtaining a doctorate in Business Administration – or indeed any other doctorate – by distance learning or by presence learning’.
This book is different because it is embedded in my thesis. It is thought to be simple and easily replicable. This book will guide you from your first step onwards.
What will be your first step in this long journey? Your first step will be: selecting an institution for your studies. Once you have found an institution where you wish to study your doctorate, you will have to apply for it and fill in the application form. You will be required to pass the IELTS or TOEFL examinations, if you are not a native English speaker like me, German being may mother tongue.
If you pass the language test, and if you are admitted to your studies, you will normally have one year of theoretical classes covering subjects of importance to the program chosen, with homework, tests, teamwork and workshops. This will be followed by your choice of your research topic, you will start reflecting on a doctoral ‘research question ‘and start preparing your ‘research proposal’.
While starting to write your thesis, this book will first teach you the different chapters a thesis should have. You will also learn to formulate your ‘research question’. Thirdly, you will learn how to perform a ‘Literature Review’. Fourthly, you then will learn how to collect data via participant observation, and by face-to-face or telephone interviews. online or paper questionnaires. Techniques for research methods such as participant observation, interviews and questionnaires are discussed in detail. You will then learn how to analyse the data you collected, via Word or Excel, or via SPSS. Conclusions follow. While writing your thesis, or, even better, before writing your thesis, you will become familiar with APA or Harvard referencing style. You will then learn how your reference list should look like, in correct APA or Harvard style. After the references come the appendices, where you show all the Excel sheets and the SPSS outputs as evidence of your research. After this, the written part of the thesis is completed. You will then be shown how to pass the viva voce examination, how to attend and organise your own workshops, how to prepare for publications, writing papers, writing your book and how to apply for an academic job.
I studied through distance learning, an attractive way of obtaining a doctorate,. There are similarities in the ways of studying through presence learning, evening learning or distance learning, and there are differences. Whatever you study, this book can help you succeed in writing your thesis and passing the viva voce, going for publications and for an academic job. Throughout the book, I will guide you in the entire process, not just in the writing aspects.
More … in my book for only Euro 13.90