
Konvent der VSA-FNSt Verband der (Alt-) Stipendiaten der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit 22-23 October 2021 in Heidelberg und Mannheim

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Konvent der VSA-FNSt Verband der (Alt-) Stipendiaten der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit  2020 cancelled for Coronavirus


Sommerfest mit Weinwanderung in Würzburg der Alt)-Stipendiaten der Begabtenförderung der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit 28-29-30 Juni 2019

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Ball der (Alt)-Stipendiaten der Begabtenförderung der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit     in Bad Söden 1-2 Juni 2018

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BERLIN 23-25. Juni 2017: 30 Jahr-Feier des VSA, Verband der (Alt)-Stipendiaten der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit

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BONN 21. JULY 2012 Ein Sommernachtstraum

Ball in der Bonner Godesburg.

BERLIN 21.-23. JANUARY 2011

Dreier-Treffen: Meeting of the 3: Verband der Altstipendiaten, Begabtenförderung, Sprecherrat.
We meet in the Kanzler-Eck, a nice restaurant in Rheinhardt-Strasse for dinner on Friday night. Saturday was all day meeting in the offices of the VSA in Rheinhardt-Strasse, meeting of the 3, discussing important issues. Dinner was in a nice Thai restaurant. Sunday Brunch, a little walk through Berlin and that’s it until the monthly conference calls.


Once a year the alumni association meets, this year in Hamburg. The Harbour was our first aim, with a romantic dinner in a boat-restaurant on Friday night. On Saturday we were guest of Taylor Wessing, with speeches by Christophe Hasche about Piracy and Senator Ian Karan. Yes, modern day piracy on boats with ever more brutality. We went for a guided tour through the Philharmony (still in construction), or the Harbour Town (Hafenstadt). In the evening we had our main festivities, dinner, allocations, speeches in a nice harbour restaurant. On Sunday took place the elections for our new “Vorstand” – Board of Directors.


The annual Ball of the alumni and scholars has become a tradition in the meanwhile.
This year’s Ball was again in the phantastic WOLKENBURG, staring a dance group.
Luckily a dance crash course for all of us was offered before the Ball to refresh our memories of Tango, Cha-Cha, Walse, Quick-Step, Fox-Trott and Rumba.
We also had a guided tour through the Koelner Dom. On Sunday, Germany’s National Day, we visited Bonn, our former capital.


Monday, 9th August started with the Opening Ceremony, proudly starring Esther Passaris.

Esther Passaris (please check her website at, is chairman and founder of “Adopt a Light”, which has been organized to give the streets in Nairobi a light in the night. In Kenya, streets are not normally lit at night, which beings at approximately 6h30 pm. The streets are especially dark to the inexperienced European. She provided the students with the opportunity for “Questions and Answers” following her lecture, as well as an invitation to us for dinner.

David Borter, Kenya Airways presented his company of 4000 employees, which intents to hire 1000 additional employees this year as a result of steady growth. He provided inspiration to the talented students to apply for well paid positions as pilots, managers, flight assistants or in the areas of sales, marketing or human resources. He stayed for lunch with us, which gave us the opportunity to ask more questions about “The pride of Africa: Kenya Airways”.

Dr. Simona Haeberli gave the students the opportunity to learn. She spoke on the topic “How to speak in public – Public Speaking”. Students prepared speeches in small groups and performed on stage. The results were very impressive!

Jan Rihak taught several business classes, including Financial Planning and Funding, Marketing, Marketing Mix, and Sales & Marketing. He provided students with an insight into the financial basis of a company.

Erick Otieno spoke on the “Opportunities in Information Technology”. Students were very interested, unfortunately most of them did not have email addresses or access to the internet. An idea for the next Academy is to provide several Computers and create email addresses for everyone in order to teach students how to use the internet.

Roberto di Iacovo demystified Europe. He made interactive tests with the students, which taught them in the interactive way of Europe. Flags, countries, capitals, rivers, mountains, historic steps in Europe were covered. Students were especially ambitious due to the nice presents he provided them with.

Myself, I had two major topics. Every morning I taught a half an hour French Lesson. As they were mostly complete beginners, we had basic French lessons using interactive methods.

My other topic was Human Resources based and taught the students how to write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) and a motivation letter as well as basic interviewing techniques. Students participated in role plays, partner and group activities and individual writing exercises.

On Friday, 13th, Jeremiah Kambi and his team of Kenyan aiducators organized a one day excursion to Mombasa’s Agricultural Fair (Show). Saturday, 14th August, was the Closing Ceremony for the Academy.

If you wish to know more about Aiducation International or wish to provide support by awarding a scholarship to a talented but poor student, please contact the alumnus fellow of Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung, Dr. Florian Kowalke.

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